Hello there, MNL! NYC sends love.
We are very excited to meet you! (*uncontrollable giggle fits)
The shop concept of The August Tree has been a long time coming. With the help of good friends and cousins, gallons of coffee, heaps of french fries and good vibes all around, we have finally set up shop!
We hope that you find The August Tree to be your friend - we are excited to share with you what we find here in New York and what we think you would like. Do let us know too, what you like. We would love to hear from you!
We like the idea that the world seems a little smaller - that a lovely berry bag from Germany with an English toy car inside, is the perfect gift to send from New York to Manila, to a friend you haven't seen in years but you talk to everyday, as if you live next door. So, visit often okay? Let's be good friends. :)