The Queens Museums’ fifth biennial of Queens-based artists, Queens International 2012: Three Points Make a Triangle was a robust synchronization of the rational and the emotional. The exhibition was essentially a search for worlds beyond our senses in a universe where information technology has permeated every part of our lives. A cross-media exhibition, Three Points Make a Triangle not only examined media technologies, but also culture and generation. Taking inspiration from a phrase derived from French spiritual surrealist writer, philosopher, and poet René Daumal, the exhibition was an adventure and exploration of myth and symbol, transformation and subjectivity, science and technology, and past and future. In the catalogue, excerpted interviews between each artist and the curators provide a deeper insight into their practice. A glossary at the end of the book points directly to the philosophical themes explored by connecting art to (spiritual and metaphysical) information.
Artists: Tatiana Berg; Becket Bowes; Matthew Buckingham; Alejandro Cesarco; Karen Y. Chan; Sam Clagnaz; Gintaras Didžiapetris; Sharona Eliassaf; Jesse A. Greenberg; Scott Grodesky; Angelina Gualdoni; Mikhail Gubin; Scott Hug; David Kearns; Dieter Kuhn; Eleen Lin; Robert Lobe; Rachel Mason; Angel Otero; Eric Palgon; Claudia Peña Salinas; Carmelle Safdie; William Santen; Adam Schecter; Trevor Shimizu; Teng Chao-Ming; Scott Verhagen; Allyson Vieira; Palden Weinreb; Joe Winter; and Brian Zegeer.
Curator: Larissa Harris, Jamillah James, Manuela Moscoso
Authors: Tom Finkelpearl, Larissa Harris, Jamillah James, Manuela Moscoso
Designer: Yoonjai Choi; Ken Meier; Zak Klauck; Common Name, New York
Printer: G&P Printing, New York
Exhibition dates: February 4–May 20th, 2012